Real Yahtzee



Yahtzee consists of thirteen rounds. Each player gets a turn per round. On your turn roll your dice and score the roll on the corresponding round, i.e. On round 5 score your dice in the “Game #5” column on the score card. The objective of the game is to collect as many points as possible through dice combinations rolled.

  1. Winning at Yahtzee is easy. This video covers the three main strategies to help you win at Yahtzee and it looks in depth at one of these strategies - the 35.
  2. Zero Punctuation is The Escapist’s groundbreaking video review series starring Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don’t have to.
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Objectof the game
Real YahtzeeThe object of Yahtzee is to obtain the highest score from throwing 5dice.
The game consists of 13 rounds. In each round, you roll the dice andthen score the roll in one of 13 categories. You must score once ineach category. The score is determined by a different rule for eachcategory.
The game ends once all 13 categories have been scored.
To start with, roll all the dice. After rolling you can either scorethe current roll (see below), or re-roll any or all of the dice.Games
You may only roll the dice a total of 3 times. After rolling 3 timesyou must choose a category to score.
You may score the dice at any point in the round, i.e. it doesn't haveto be after the 3rd roll.

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To score your combination of 5 dice, you click one of the 13 boxes, orwrite it on the scorecard (scoresheet). There are two sections to thescore table - the Upper Section and the Lower Section.
Once a box has been scored, it cannot be scored again for the rest ofthe game (except the Yahtzee category), so choose wisely.

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UpperSection Scoring
You can play Yahtzee like games in new online casino for example the game Slot Dice of Relax Gaming. Also other casino games include feature of Yahtzee.
If you score in the upper section of the table, your score is the totalof the specified die face.
So if you roll:
5 - 2 - 5 - 6 - 5 and score in the Fives category, your total for thecategory would be 15, because there are three fives, which are addedtogether.
If the One, Three or Four Categories were selected for scoring withthis roll, you would score a zero.
If placed in the Two or Six category, you would score 2 and 6respectively.
Bonus If the total of Upper scores is 63 or more, add a bonus of 35. Note that 63 is the total of three each of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s. Did you know there are now some US Casino sites offering electronic Yahtzee-themed slots? Yahtzee is one of the interesting games you should try.
LowerSection Scoring
In the lower scores, you score either a set amount, or zero if youdon't satisfy the category requirements.
3 and 4 ofa kindFor 3 of a kind you must have at least 3 of the same die faces. Youscore the total of all the dice. For 4 of a kind you would need 4 diefaces the same.
Small andLarge StraightA Straight is a sequence of consecutive die faces, where a smallstraight is 4 consecutive faces, and a large straight 5 consecutivefaces.
Small straights score 30 and a large 40 points.
So if you rolled:
2 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 4
you could score 30 in small straight or 0 in large straight.
Full HouseAFull House is where you have 3 of a kind and 2 of a kind. Full housesscore 25 points.
3 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 2
would score 25 in the Full House category.
FirstYahtzee AYahtzee is 5 of a kind and scores 50 points, although you may elect NOTto score it as a yahtzee, instead choosing to take it as a top rowscore and safegaurd you bonus.
When looking for australia online casino games it can be hard to find the right one. Aussies do love Yathzee and also have slot related games.
.If you roll a second Yahtzee in a game, and you scored your firstyahtzee in the Yahtzee box, you would score a further bonus 100 pointsin the yahtzee box. You must also put this roll into another category,as follows;
-If the corresponding Upper section category is not filled then youmust score there.
ie if you rolled 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 and the Fours Category is notfilled, you must put the score in the Fours category.
-If the corresponding Upper section category is filled you may then putthe score anywhere on the Upper Section (scoring zero). In 3 of a Kind,4 of a Kind, and Chance categories you would score the total of the diefaces. For the Small Straight, Large Straight, and Full Housecategories, you would score 30, 40 and 25 points respectively.
ChanceYou canroll anything and be able to put it in the Chance category. You scorethe total of the die faces.
Scratchor Dump scores.
You can score any roll in any category at any time, even if theresulting score is zero. Eg, you
can take 2-3-3-4-6 in the 5's category. It will score 0. This could beused near the end of a game to lose a poor roll against adifficult-to-get category that you've failed to fill (eg, long straightor yahtzee).